Dream Homes Property Consultants (DHPC) is a leading agency in 'Arab-style' homes. We specialise in houses that were built from the late 1880's to 1948, a period that spans the late Ottoman rule in Palestine to the end of the British Mandate. Our focus is on homes located in areas of West Jerusalem, such as: 'Ayn Karim, Baqa'a (Upper and Lower), German Colony, Greek Colony, Mamilla, al-Musrara, Qatamon, Sa'ad wa-Sa'id, Shamma' and Talbiyeh.
We are committed to serving you with professionalism, honesty, and respect. Our consultants, natives of Jerusalem and surrounding cities like Bethlehem are dispersed throughout the world since 1948. For over six decades and to various destinations, they have carried with them personal knowledge of these houses and neighbourhoods. DHPC provides you with the unique historical perspective that it has acquired from conducting extensive and meticulous research. We offer our services in fluent Arabic, Armenian, Creole, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian and Spanish.
Unlike any other agency, DHPC gives you the narrative attached to each individual house and their distinct neighbourhoods. By recounting the personal stories of each home, a collective history emerges, creating an intimate portrait of some of West Jerusalem's neighbourhoods. Our desire is to give you insight on the people who have lived and created these places. We know that lovers of 'Arab-style' homes are interested in the intricacies of history and how the past still lingers in the present through the quaint cobblestone streets, the lovely gardens with fruit trees and flowers, the arched windows, the high ceilings, the traditional floor tiles with geometric and plant motifs, the finely crafted iron latticework and the elaborate wooden doors.
At Dream Homes Property Consultants (DHPC), we cater to those out there looking for their dream home and finding it, right here.
Fadalleh! Please, come in!
E.Salem's house under construction in the Greek Colony, Jerusalem in 1927. Courtesy of Tanja Salem.